• MAR MENOR – Thursday, 26th May 2022

28 members played in our President’s Day match at Mar Menor.   The weather was much improved from last month’s wet weather at the same course.  It was sunny and warm with a light breeze, keeping the temperature at a near perfect level for a great day’s golf.  The fairways and greens were in great condition and good golf was enjoyed by many members.

The Blind Pairs was won by Ian Stones and Bernie Stones, both returning their €5 cash prize to the charity fund, so thank you both for that.  Thanks also to Richard Watson, who won €20 on the football card and donated to the charity fund.  The Captain’s chosen charity is Help at Home, and the fund currently stands at €758.95.

The President thanked everyone for their attendance and hoped everyone enjoyed the day.  He then presented the prizes to the following winners:-

N P Hole 2 went to Graham Lavery

N P in 3 Hole 7 went to Alan McAuliffe

N P in 2 Hole 11 went to Steve Barlow

N P in 2 Hole 15 went to Richard Watson

N P Hole 17 went to Neil Campbell

  • All the above won a €10 Voucher from The Cherry Tree

The Longest Drive Hole 10 was won by Richard Watson – bottle Brandy

The Best Net score on Hole 16 was won by Garry Roberts – bottle Brandy

Par 5 competition winner on 11 points was Alan McAuliffe – sleeve of golf balls.

The Team Event (with 104 points) was won by Mac McLean, Garry Roberts, Chris Udell and Richard Watson who received a sleeve of golf balls each.

The Silver Division runner up was Mac McLean with 33 points

The Silver Division winner, and our overall winner, was Wayne Stevenson with 38 points.

The Gold Division runner up was Alan McAuliffe with 36 points.

The Gold Division winner was Chris Udell with 36 points on count back

  • Gold and Silver Division winners and runners up won vouchers from The Cherry Tree.

Congratulations go to our overall winner, Wayne Stevenson, who has won the President’s Cup for 2 years running.

Our Captain, Derek Fleet, called Mike Fitzpatrick to floor to present him with a Hip Flask for his “Hole in One” on the 3rd at La Finca on 27th May last year.  This was the first opportunity to present Mike with his prize.

Many thanks to The Cherry Tree for their continued sponsorship support and after-match meal and refreshments.

Our next match on Thursday, 30th June will be the first round of the Eclectic Cup at Lo Romero. We have 35 out of 36 places already taken, so at the moment there is one place available.

If you want your name on the reserve list please contact our Secretary, Sandie Hall at alfiesgolfsociety@gmail.com

Derek Fleet, Captain, 27 May 2022