Alfies GS third match of the season was played at Hacienda Riquelme, with 23 members and guests taking part.

The course had suffered badly due to being closed for a long period due to the Covid pandemic and had not fully recovered.   However, the players enjoyed the day.  The weather was kind for a change but scores were on the low side with no-one breaking net par.

The Blind Pairs was won by Steve Barlow and Ian Ingledew, both returning their €5 cash prize to the charity fund, so thank you both for that.

N P in 3 Hole 4 went to Richard Watson

N P Hole 5 went to Mark Atkinson

N P Hole 7 went to Sigridur Jonsdottir

N P in 2 Hole 10 went to Valtyr Palsson

N P in 3 Hole 14 went to Mike Morris

  • All the above won a €10 Voucher from The Cherry Tree

The Longest Drive Hole 11 was won by Mike Morris – bottle Brandy

The Best Net score on Hole 18 was won by Ian Stones – bottle Brandy

The Silver Division runner up was Mac McLean with 29 points.

The Silver Division winner was Wayne Stevenson with 31 points.

The Gold Division runner up was Chris Udell with 31 points.

The Gold Division winner, and our overall winner, was Ian Stones with 33 points.

  • Gold and Silver Division winners and runners up won vouchers from The Keg ‘N’ Kitchen.

Many thanks to our Sponsors – The Cherry Tree and The Keg ’N’ Kitchen for their continued support.

Our next meeting is at Lo Romero on the 28st April.

 Derek Fleet, Captain 

2 April 2022