27 members and guests from Alfie’s GS played at Vistabella in the second round of our annual Eclectic Cup competition. The course was in good condition, but the bunkers were in scruff order and the greens were slow.  The weather was hot and sunny, so good scores were forecast.

Runner up in the Gold Division went to Steve Barlow with 39 points, playing off a handicap of 19.

The winner of the Silver Division was Alan Connell with 38 points, playing off a handicap of 20.

Runner up in the Silver Division was Wayne Stevenson with 29 points, playing off a handicap of 21.

Nearest the pin on the 2nd – Martin Armstrong – Albatross Golf Voucher

Nearest the pin in 3 on the 5th – Martin Armstrong – Albatross Golf Voucher

Nearest the pin on the 7th – Alan Connell – Albatross Golf Voucher

Nearest the pin in 2 on the 12th – Steve Barlow – Bottle of Soberano

Longest Drive on the 16th – Rita Potters – Bottle of Soberano

Best Gross Score – Alan McAuliffe – Albatross Golf Voucher

Best Net Score – Steve Barlow – Albatross Golf Voucher

Best Guest with 38 points – Colin Gillespie – bottle of Wine

The Blind pairs were won Norman Howes and Chris Udell

The Captain’s Charity this year is “Help at Home” and we’ve just broken through the €1,000 barrier. Well done everyone for your support.

Many thanks to our sponsors, also a big thank you to Gary and Ben at The Keg ‘N’ Kitchen for their continued support throughout the year. And finally thanks to all the members and guests for supporting Alfie’s Golf Society. Our next outing is on Thursday, 26th August at La Marquesa, and at the time of writing there were 24 names on the list.

Ian Connell, Captain, 1 August 2021

Caption: Our winner of the Gold Division and our overall winner on the day – Alan McAuliffe with 40 points, playing off a handicap of 15