San Miguel Golf Society at Lo Romero. December 6th, 2017.

San Miguel returned after a brief break to the much liked Lo Romero course, which was once again found to be in excellent condition, with perfectly cut fairways and slick greens. Whilst a lot of men’s tees were forward, the more than tricky pin positions compensated to keep scoring reasonable.

However, a few players from the 40 members and 6 guests teeing off escaped from the mediocrity, the day’s best returns being posted by Ivor Turkington (38), outdone by Robin Eastman with an excellent 39.

The day’s competition results, by category and in reverse order, were the following:

Bronze Category: 4th Paul Cobain (30), 3rd Keith Wraithmell (34), 2nd Mike Inns (36 on CB), and 1st William Fenn, also with 36 points.

Silver Category: 4th Brian Mulligan (32), 3rd Theo Boelhouwer (33 on CB), 2nd Roger Webb (33 on CB), and 1st Russel Bailey with 37 points.

Gold Category: 4th John Osborne (34 on CB), 3rd Tony Sims (34 on CB), 2nd Ivor Turkington (38), and 1st Robin Eastman with 39 points.

Nearest the pins on the par 3’s (open to all) went to Brian Mulligan (hole 5), Bjorn Pettersson (7), Alan Hill (12), and Tony Sims (15).

The Abacus was won by Bob Eyland

The Best Guest prize went to Mark Preston (33). Runner-up was Kev Albright with 32.

Our thanks go to the staff at Lo Romero for their contribution to an enjoyable day.

Keep up to date with all SMGS matters by logging on to our website or simply give Captain Tony Smale a call on 628227687 to find out more about the society and its weekly golf get-togethers. Next week we will be at Las Colinas.


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