29/1/19 font de llop

Off to font de llop for the first time this year for the long haul towards our player of the year trophy. Conditions were for January, cold and windy. The course, for the time of year was in good condition and with the fairways dyed green there was no excuses for not hitting them.

One player decided it was warm enough for shorts on the day, see if you can spot him in the picture. The photo includes winners on the day and also in the middle of the photo was  the last 3 players to win the new player of the year trophy.

Results on the day:

Silver division and overall winner with 37 points: marc Doherty

Silver division runner up with 31 points: dave adams

Gold division winner on countback with 32 points: ray muttock

Gold division runner up: andy trefry

Nearest the pins on par 3`s: reid kane x 2, eric owens, bill martin & alan Gifford

2`s club winner team of: reid kane

Football card winners:  ray muttock, chris lusty & laurie woodroof.

Thanks to Steve and his staff at the med bar and bistro, our next outing is at alenda 12/2/19

Anyone wishing to join our society is welcome and we can either be contacted by e-mail at: medbargolf2016@gmail.com or pop into the bar where all details can be left and we will get in touch with you

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