Peter Reffel - time to hang up my laptop

Las Ramblas Golf Society

Results for w/c  2.8.21  Live from Tokyo

So, after three years of training, preparation and coaching (from the wife!), it’s time I hung up my laptop, earned my Olympic mascot, stepped away from the podium and entered (another) period of retirement.

It’s possible that some of my readers will be devastated at this news, however, I’m sure counselling will be made available for anyone struggling with mental health issues!!!  It’s been great fun (especially when trying to come up with themes) and I would like to thank everyone who has sent me messages of encouragement along the way.

The reports have gone some way to recruit new members and in one instance reunite old friends. Sadly I have also had to comment on members who are no longer with us. Huge thanks go to the staff of The Leader, The Costa Blanca People and The Costa Blanca News for publishing my efforts on a regular basis. I hope my successor enjoys the same support.

By the way, given that I rarely win anything and this is my final opportunity to do so, this week’s mug shot is me celebrating a rare birdie!

And so to the job in hand:

With 88 points Monday’s ‘Change Partners’ was won by Dave Pulling, Mike Brentnall, Andrea Martin (and after a couple of years in the wilderness) Brian Levy.

Another superb round of golf in Wednesday’s Stableford saw Andy Martin score 39 points (off a 3 handicap) and take the gold. Mike Brentnall kept his piggybank well stocked and earned silver after coming 2nd with 38 whilst it was Nigel Price in the bronze position with 37. There were no ‘2’s on the day so there’s a good size pot up for grabs next week.

Onto Friday and it was relays day in the form of a ‘two ball better ball’.  Despite Reg Akehurst achieving a PB, scoring 5 points on the most difficult hole on the course, it was Bryan Neal and John Dobson who brought the baton home with 46 points.

Adios amigos

Peter Reffell