Due to SMGS playing member numbers being down at this time of year, a match against the La Finca residing Elite Golf Society was organised to be played alongside SMGS’s normal stableford competition.

For once guests (23) outnumbered members (22) as 7 competition flights took to the course along with other members and their visitors. An extremely strong wind made for a difficult playing environment, with relatively slow badly pitch-marked greens, and a lot of back placed white flags not helping scoring.

Only SMGS’s Tony Sims (37) and Kenny Reddington (39) conquered the conditions with excellent rounds, their efforts not enough to stop Elite winning the match 5-2. Congratulations to them.

The day’s stableford competition results, by category and in reverse order, were the following:

Silver Category: 4th Ralph Tilbrook (26 on CB), 3rd Brian Butler (26 on CB), 2nd Norman Padmore (30), and 1st Keith Stevenson with 32 points

Gold Category: 4th Ken McPherson (28), 3rd Matt Taylor (29), 2nd Tony Sims (37), and 1st Kenny Reddington with 39 points.

Nearest the pins on the par 3’s (open to all) Roger Brierley (hole 3), Steve Fleet (6), Mike Greatorex (13) and Matt Taylor (16).

The Abacus was won once again by Norman McBride

The Best Guest prizes went to winner Paul Gambrill (30), runner-up Dave Bishop (28) and third placed Ryan Rogers (27)

Our thanks go to the staff at La Finca for their contribution to an enjoyable day.

Keep up to date with all SMGS matters by logging on to our website www.smgs.org or simply give Tony Smale a call on 628227687 to find out more about the society and its weekly golf get-togethers. Next week we will be at Villamartin.

The post SMGS at La Finca against Elite Golf Society appeared first on The Leader Newspaper.