On Thursday 28th December 47 players took part in a post xmas Stableford. It was a good turnout considering the time of year and the weather was beautiful making way for some good scores.

The results were Cat1 1st Bill Martin 37 2nd  John Barraclough 35 3rd Arty Crammon 33  Cat 2 1st Sue Forbes 43  2nd Steve Sayers 38 3rd Bert Lawson 38 Cat 3 1st Linda Lynch 36 2nd Jeff Lynch 34 3rd Martin Welsh 33 Cat 4 1st John Hill 38 2nd David Valentine 35 3rd Lauraine Walker 34 

Overall winner Sue Forbes Best front 9 Phyllis Venables 17  Best back 9 Duane James 19  NTPs  5th Martin Welsh 11th Bill Martin 12th in 2 Glo Manning 15th Sue Forbes 17th Steve Yoxall Football draw Clive Horne Fred Reeve Glo Manning Bert Lawson and Ken Enever.

As Tuesday was Boxing day there was no organized Toffs game.

Happy golfing for 2018 and if you would like to join Eurogolf society and play at La Marquesa Tuesdays and Thursdays please visit the website www.eurogolf-quesada.co.uk

The post Eurogolf Stableford appeared first on The Leader Newspaper.