This months Trophy game took 23 members down to Altorreal where we had a late tee time due to an alteration by the club to fit in a club competition. We were expecting a long round and it did not disappoint as we came in 5 and a half hours later very cold, as the wind got stronger as the day went on, however, there was some very good scores recorded and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves.

The results were as follows, nearest the pin on the par threes were Bill Peters, Andrew Evans Helen Bailey and Nigel Wright. Best front nine Bill Peters and best back Bill Malcolm, Gold Division winner was Nigel Wright and Silver division and overall winner with 39 points was Theresa Wright. The two’s pot was shared between Andrew Evans and Bill Peters.

Back at Rayz bar where we enjoyed a nice buffet the vice-captain tried something a little different by putting up a couple of prizes for a raffle, a leg of lamb and a turkey crown these were won by Nigel Wright and Jim McCarthy respectively, the football card was won by Monica Malcolm. A great day, great camaraderie and also a bit of fun enjoyed by all.

Our next game is at Vistabella on the 13th of April, anyone wishing to join us for this or any other game please contact us at

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