We had 38 players today for a Stableford Competition competing for the Committee Plate, including 2 guests, John Ross and Gerd Kunath. I played with Gerd and learned some choice German words when things went wrong! We also welcomed back Alan Barwick who has returned from cold and wet UK to cold and wet Spain for a few months.

The results were as follows:

The winner was Fiona Sankey with a great score of 38 points playing off 32.4

2nd was Simon Fox with 36 points playing off 17

3rd was Malcolm Cannon also with 36 points playing off 12.8

4th also with 36 points was Brendan Young playing of 17.7

5th with 35 points was Martin Gates playing off 6.5

6th was Paul Sankey with 34 points playing off 15.1

Nearest the pin on hole 5 was Steve Patton with 1m.20 and on hole 16 Andrew Harrison with 3m.95.

The Balls in the Water competition was won by a very happy Colin Foster with a guess of 84.

Our Captain Dave Phillips announced that the annual Christmas Dinner Dance will be held on Friday 7th December so keep that date free in your diaries. Further info to follow.

Next week we have a Texas Scramble Competition, hopefully with better weather and anyone wishing to play contact Penny Barden on pegohandicapsec@gmail.com 

The post Pego golf society match October 30th 2018 appeared first on The Leader Newspaper.