We had 34 players today for The Javea Cup, the format being Combined Pairs. We welcomed two guests Keith Worral & Jim Keaveney, The weather conditions were very pleasant and the results were as follows: 

First Pair with a runaway lead of 9 points was Penny Barden & Bill Pike with 77 points, Second Pair with 68 points was Suzy Snelling & Steve Patton with 68 points, Third Pair also with 68 points was Bob (G’dayBob) Jenkins and Brian Barden also with 68 points, Fourth Pair with 68 points was Terry Oram and Dave O’Oonnor with 67 points

Nearest The Pin on Hole 5 second shot was John Snelling with 3.01m and on Hole 16 Martin Gates with 1.05m.

Only one Two today, on form Bill Pike collecting all the money.

Next week we have a Stableford game, any guests wishing to play, subject to handicap contact Penny Barden at pegohandicapsec@gmail.com and we would love you to join us.

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