Las Ramblas Golf Society – Results for w/c 12.7.21

Andy Martin together with Mike Mahony were in the money as they won Monday’s  2 Ball Better Ball with a very impressive 48 points. With Andy playing off a handicap of 2 it was quite some achievement. In the runners up slot were Reg Akehurst (at the age of 92!) and Graham Murray with 44.

Wednesday’s Stableford was interesting as we all played from the ladies red tees. The men were all cut 2 shots whilst for some strange reason the ladies were all given 2. Graham kept his run of good form going and won with 44 points. I

managed to grab the silver with 41 and John Shervell claimed bronze with 40. Three 2’s; Graham Murray, Liz Robertson and ……………Me!

One of our latest recruits, Mike Smith, made a welcome visit to the winner’s podium on Friday. Playing a 6x6x6 and with 83 points he was part of the winning team alongside Joyce McClusky, Friedel Knebel and ‘Albert’. A close second, with 80, were Graham Murray, Nigel Price and Ken & Liz Robertson.

Pues hasta la semana que viene

Peter Reffell