The Society’s first ‘major’ of the year was contested by 21 members on 31st. March. Except for  the Covid associated travel restrictions, we would normally have had a fair number of our U K based members ‘teeing it up’ also.

The course, as usual, was in good condition and the greens fast and quite tricky to read, for me at least.The weather was almost perfect for golf, although a stiff breeze at times, developed in the afternoon.

Following the game we returned, as customary to the Lo Crispin Tavern, where we were supplied with Tapas by David and his friendly staff, following the distribution of the day’s prizes.

Winner of the Spring Cup – Pete Childes 34 pts. off 13

2nd Place – Janet Candlin 27 pts. off 35 (on count back)

3rd. Place – John Dunnion 27 pts. off 20

4th. Place – Steve Price 24pts. off 17

N.T. P. on Par 3s.

Hole 3 – Mike Johnson, Hole 8 – Pete Childes, Hole 11 – Steve Price, Hole 17 – Steve King

The 2s pot was shared by Bob Berry, Julie King and Pete Childes. Pete one of our mercurial Chelsea Supporters was topped off by winning the Free Game Draw, also !! As Pete and his partner are returning to the U K until next January, he will have to wait awhile to claim his free game. In the meantime it will give the rest of us a chance to win something !

Our next game will be on the 14th. April at El Valle, when we will be playing for the Anniversary Trophy (lifting of travel restrictions  permitting) as the course is in Murcia.

Stephen Harrington. Handicap and Membership Secretary