Las Ramblas Golf Society Results for w/c 9.11.20

With 85 points Monday’s  ‘Waltzer’ was won by Olga Douglas, Nigel Price, Pete Dunn and  Marja Oldenziel (who this week remembered it’s a good idea to have a ball when putting).

Wednesday saw us compete in our Memorial Day individual Stableford,

Even with our numbers somewhat diminished due to the current state of alarm, as a Society we still managed to raise 200 euros on behalf of the Royal British Legion which was presented to Mike Probert. It is worth remembering that all the money raised for this very deserving cause stays in Spain and that in 2019 some 200,000 euros was spent on the welfare of our military veterans.

Marleen Billen won the day with 36 points whilst John Shervell and Mark Western took 2nd and 3rd with 35. The four nearest the pins went to Nigel Price, Olga Douglas, Mark Western and Trevor Pulleyblank.

Just three teams battled it out in Friday’s ‘Texas Scramble’. With an excellent gross score of 8 under par 64 (nett 56.6) the winners were Bryan Neal, Joyce McClusky, John Shervell and Mark Western.

Finally, Mike Mahony asks his caddy, ‘Do you think I can get there with a 5 iron?’ Caddy replies, ‘Eventually’.

Pues hasta la semana que viene

Peter Reffell