La Siesta golf Society held their Championship Day Event on Saturday 26th January at Campoamor Golf Course. The event was very well attended with 9 groups taking part.

The weather was absolutely perfect and the condition of the course was very good, so no excuses for anyone playing badly. A prize was given for the best front 9, which was won by Ray Scott with 18 points and also best back 9, which was won by Gordon Millar on 20 points.

Coming 5th with 34 points on handicap was Siobhan Cassidy, 4th was club President Harry Pearson also on 34 Points on handicap, 3rd was Simon Speak also on 34 points, then we had new Captain Trevor Wheeler 2nd with 37 points and winning with a great score of 38 points was David Farmer.

Trevor said he should have won after 4 putting the 18th but as David made a special journey from Germany to be with us he was a worthy winner. However, Trevor did win nearest the pin on the 15th hole but not to be outdone David won the nearest the pin on the 6th  hole, congratulations to all the winners.

The evening do was held at the impressive Campoamor Hotel. The food and service was of a very high standard so we wish to thank all the Hotel staff for their hard work in making such an enjoyable evening. The presentation to all winners was done by new Captain Trevor Wheeler, Vice Captain Dave O’Reilly and President Harry Pearson, Michael Edwards captured it all on camera, so we look forward to seeing the photos.

The evening finished with singer Steve Jones belting out an array of different music genres which everybody seemed to enjoy, so thanks to Steve for a great performance. If anybody would like to join La Siesta Golf Society please call 646416182 to book a tee time

The post La Siesta golf Society appeared first on The Leader Newspaper.