Las Ramblas Golf Society – Results for w/c 14.6.21

My scoring three birdies on the front nine in Monday’s ‘Counter Game’ were not enough to secure our team’s victory. Together with John Shervell, Reg Akehurst and ‘Albert’ we managed to come in the runners up slot with 99 points. Taking the glory (and the euros) with 101 were George Hogg, Joyce McClusky, Mike Mahoney and Dave Brench.

After just 13 holes Graham Murray was sitting on 36 points in Wednesday’s Stableford! Over the final 5 holes he managed a grand total of just 3 to finish in 3rd place with 39. Also on 39, but just creeping through to second place on countback was Bryan Neal whilst again, on countback, Andrea Martin was our winner on the day.

There were five ‘2’s with Dave Brench getting two of them. The others went to John Drakesmith, Graham Murray and Andy Martin (who I wasn’t going to mention anymore!)

It was the best two scores out of four to count on each hole but all on the par 3’s on Friday. Winning with 104 points were Ken & Liz Robertson together with Dave Pulling and Mike Brentnall. They were closely followed on 101 by Andy Martin, Paul Brown, John Dobson and Yvonne Phipps.

Por ultimo, I’ve always had an irrational fear of speed bumps but I’m slowly getting over it.

Pues hasta la semana que viene

Peter Reffell