96 Players in 24 teams assembled for the 12th running of this recent event. The weather forecast for the day was not very promising, but we were blessed with an almost perfect day for golf
The teams were split into 2 divisions, one for WHS players and the other for Society handicaps. They both played a waltz of 2 scores to count on hole 1, 3 on hole 2, and 4 on hole 3, then back to 2 scores again.
In the WHS Division the winners were Clarkes Bar 1. 124 PTS. Runners up were Clarkes Bar 2. 121 PTS. Best at Not Winning were Royal Oak 2.
In the Society Handicap Division the winners were Woodstock 123 PTS. Runners up were Fuegos Tapas Bar 120 PTS. Best at Not Winning were the Lucky Clovers.

Due to an error the team from Lo Marabu were disqualified which was a shame as they would have won their division. Each received a consolation bottle of wine to drown their sorrows.
The Putting Competition was won by Woodstock Bar, La Marina.
Nearest the Pin winners Hole 2 was Trevor Scammell from PJ’s Rent a Car.
Hole 7 Daniel from Royal Oak 2. Hole 11 Gavin Riddell from Albatross Golf Tours.
Hole 15 Barry Davies from Lo Marabu.
The whole event was a great success raising €1,705. to split between the two charities.

Many thanks are due to Joaquin Rocamora and his team at Vistabella Golf for allowing us to use the whole course for this event and also for his generous donation of a coolbag for each player.
Graeme Wilson from Golden Leaves Funeral Plans who once again sponsored the trophies.
The two ladies on the Hole 15 Challenge which raised €300 included in the total.
The Leader Newspaper for their continued support in publicising the event and taking photos of the winners.
John and Mal Jones who sponsored the NTP’s. Galaxy Golf for the Putting Competition, local businesses who gave prizes for the raffle, including Jane Knight of Knights Cakes who baked a special cake for the day, Sliders Bar at Blue Lagoon, the Woodstock Bar at La Marina a case of wine, Clarkes Bar, Pat Packham and Mike Probert from Costa Blanca Green Fees who gave generous donations. Gavin Riddell from Albatross Golf Tours and Bob Smith from the Celts Club De Golf, La Serena, who had the unenviable task of checking the score cards.
Finally a big thank you to all of the players, without whom these events could not take place. It is very encouraging to get this level of support in these trying times.
Next Years’s event is already booked at Vistabella golf for Thursday September 25th 2022 so book early to reserve a place by phoning Bob Smith on 693 788 661. There is also going to be an extra event in June, please phone Charlie Rogers on 618 181 703 for details.