Despite the terrible weather forecast 39 golfers set off for Hacienda Riquelme for this weeks challenge and although cloudy at the start the day turned out to be perfect for golf.

The course was in excellent condition but the tricky greens proved too much for most ! One player in particular had a bad round, Billy Wilson normally in  the winning prizes scored a measly 15 points off his 9 handicap.

The 2’s pot was split 5 ways with Phil Sully taking two, Ray Pullen, Andy Owen and Tony Smale getting one each.

This week Graeme Clarke sponsored an extra 3 holes, so we had a longest drive won by Tony Sims and 7 ntps won by Andy Owen x 2, Phil de Laceup x 2, Alistair Gordon, Tony Sims and big  Tony Smale having 1 each.

The guest category saw Alistair Gordon in 3rd place with 28 pts off hdcp 18, Lee Parsons 2nd with 33 pts off 9 hdcp and 1st with one of the best scores of the day of 35 pts off his 8 hdcp went to Andy Owen.

Silver saw Kev Laverick 3rd on countback with 29 pts off a 23 hdcp, Roger Webb came 2nd also with 29 pts off 15 hdcp with Gary Harper winning with 30pts off hdcp 18.

Gold scores were slightly better with Theo Boelhouwer coming third with 32 points off his 12 hdcp, our only Lady player on the day Deb Rose came in 2nd with 33 points also off 12 hdcp, and the overall winner of the Members section was Chris Baker with 35 points off his hdcp of 15.

As usual our thanks go to Karl and his staff at The Alehouse, not only for the warm welcome they always provide but for sponsoring our ntps every week and to Liz, Andy, Phil and Ron for their help on the day.

The next event is our ‘ Poppy Day’ charity day  at El Valle on Friday 2nd November,  this and all future events can be viewed on the website

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