Ivie Davies Memorial Trophy at Vistabella

 We set of To our local course on a rainy, dark morning as we had an early start time for playing for the above trophy. The wet and winter clothes were on to start with, then off for a few holes then back on again for a few more holes.

Ivie was certainly having a good laugh to himself about us. Some terrific golf was played with 8 players scoring above their handicap. Many thanks to the staff at vistabella for their generous gift of 2 green fees for the winners of the blind pairs. 

Ivie Davies

Individual stapleford competition results:

Overall winner with 40 points – Dave Capper

Runner up with 39 points – Alan Snape on count back, 3rd position with 39 points – Keith Smith

Blind pair winners drawn together out of a hat, unbelievably were:

Dave capper and Keith Smith

Nearest the pin in 2 on par 4  – Ray Mattock

Nearest the pins:   Jeff Ellis, Eric Owens, Roger Van Heark & Paul Griffin (guest)

2`s club winners: Alan Snape and Eric Owens

Football card winners: John Goulder, Jeff Ellis, Alan Gifford & Roger Clarke

Thanks to Steve and his staff at the med bar and bistro, our next outing is at font de llop  30/10/18, (sorry fully booked)

Anyone wishing to join our society is welcome and we can either be contacted by e-mail at: medbargolf2016@gmail.com or pop into the bar where all details can be left and we will get in touch with you

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