In glorious sunshine at El Valle the Plaza Golf Society finally got their cobwebs dusted off after a month without a game returning to the venue of our last event. 43 Players took part with 7 guests making the day.

Not everyone enjoyed the conditions however and practice does not seem to have paid off for 1 gentleman who took the wooden spoon for a second time, step forward Mike Thornton with 15 points off 9.

The 2’s pot was shared by 5 players so well done to Declan Crowley taking 2, Theo Boelhouwer, Ben Chadwick and Deborah Rose.

Nearest the pin prizes kindly donated by the Alehouse were taken by Tony Smale, Neil Bason, Theo Boelhouwer, Russell Bailey and Tony Sims.

In the guest category George Burton finished 3rd with 25pts off 24, taking 2nd was Alan Ibbotson with 30pts off 13 but pipped by partner Sheila winning with 33pts off20.

In the Silver division the scoring was quite tight with the podium places being separated by 3 points. 3rd place went to Liz Thornton with 30pts off handicap 29, 2nd was Tony Flood with 32pts off 17 with the winner John Aird scoring 33pts off 19.

Gold division saw some excellent scoring with 36pts not necessarily gaining a podium finish. In 3rd on countback was Darren Handcock with 36pts off a handicap of 3, 2nd was Russell Bailey with 37pts. Today’s winner capping a fine day for the Ladies with an excellent score of 42pts off 13 was Deborah Rose.

The day was rounded off back at the Alehouse where the members showed their support for the Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal Led by ‘Mick the Grip’ The society donating €200 to add to the members donations to this worthy cause.

Our next event is at Hacienda Riquelme on 15.11.19. Some spaces are still available – log on to our website to enter and check on future events.

The post The Plaza GS at El Valle 01.11.19 appeared first on The Leader Newspaper.