LA MARINA GOLF SOCIETY A Medal based four ball Texas  Scramble was the format for the annual tilt at the Optima Optica Trophy at Alenda. We were blessed with probably our warmest weather so far this year and this and the excellent course condition resulted in some impressive scoring.

Nearest the pin winners were a bevy of Scots, namely Jimmy Scott,Gordon Donaldson, Murdo Macdonald and Jeff Wiszniewski.

Trophy winners with a net score of 58.8 (the winning margin being only 1.4) were Sarah McCabe, Frank Cullen ,Graeme Buchanan and Iain Lyall.

Our next venue is Villamartin is on 16th May ,first tee 10.36 at a cost of 50 Euros. We shall be playing for the newly inaugurated Cavernita Trophy and a meal is available at Alex Leach’s La Cavernita bar afterwards. Please contact Iain Lyall on634326451 for further details .

List is on the board as usual or contact Alan Craig on

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