The Celts club de Golf
The Celts club de Golf

The Celts club de Golf celebrated our 10th Presidents’ Prize last Saturday at our home course La Serena. The investment made by the management on the golf course is really paying dividends. Miguel and his team have to be congratulated for all their fine efforts.

The greens on Saturday were running at 11 on the stimpmeter, elicited comments now such as, boy the greens are very fast. Enhorabuena Miguel. We also had the pleasure of the director of golf at La Serena Bruno Perez playing as a guest on the day. He should be rightly proud of his team, both on the course and in the clubhouse.

Our presentation dinner dance was held in Meson El Prado in San Miguel de Salinas. Juan, Lola and Pilli presented us with a sumptuous meal. I have to mention that I have to date received emails from various members complimenting the restaurant.

Thank you to, Jacs, Sue, Bob and Les who took the time to send the emails, offering their thanks and congratulations to the organising committee also..

It was fantastic to be able to dance and sing along with our own star, Jackie Whyte. Jackie has been entertaining us for the past 10 years and has that certain spark that gets us all in the mood. Many thanks Jackie for a great night.

To Camillus who looks after our competitions along with his team, go raibh maith agat. for a job well done. You even brought in the winner on the day. To Denis, who manages our finances to the highest standards and works away quietly in the background, ever watchful and in control, thank you so much.

Our secretary Susy introduced our various speakers and guests and was even able to crack a joke about trying to understand three Irishmen when they are discussing issues at our Junta meetings. Many thanks Susy for your work. A special presentation was made to Bruno, Susy and Jean on behalf of the members. Jean thanked The Celts and wished us well for the future.  D

Our results on the day were as follows, nearest the pins, Camillus Fitzpatrick (2), Mike Stott (2), Andy Currie and Debby Boelhouwer. Cat 4, Nial Murray winner, Sue Lowe and Bev Buckley. Cat 3 Karl Di Mascio winner, Bram Numeijer and Pat Baker. Cat 2, Chris Daw winner, Jane Randell and Gareth Williams.

Cat 1 Camillus Fitzpatrick winner, Clive Jenkins and John O’Brien. Best gross Bob Smith. Second overall Stephen Formby and the winner with a fabulous 65 Alan Campbell.  Congratulations to everyone for participating and to those who attended the evening meal.