Sunday morning we celebrated our August club championship day.  Again we had a 9.30am shotgun start and believe it or not we were finished with prize presentations and snack by 14.30.

We can’t say anything about the weather other than it was fantastic for golf with a gentle breeze and 28 degrees.  These days do not run themselves and we are indebted to a team of people who all work together to make the event such a success.

The competitions committee under the guidance of Camillus Fitzpatrick and ably assisted by Philip Mountford and Terry Fitzgerald.  Thank you and well done.  In the golf shop Karolina looked after all our needs and generated our results within minutes of our completion, gracias..

To Vanessa and Gloria in the bar and restaurant muchos gracias por todo.  The course management team has the course looking in great condition thank you. A big thank you must also go to all the organisers of our daily golf events, they do a fantastic job, thank you one and all.

July Medal winners were, Bob Smith 68, Steve Hopkins 68 and Michael Doyle 72. Crystal winners, July Cat I, Richie Heaton 35, Donald Love 35 and John Aitchison 34. Cat II, Tony Woodward 40, Terry Walsh 40 and Ian Sadler 38.  August Cat I, Michael Stott 38, Thomas Warren 38 and Colin Soones 36.Cat II, Ian Howie 42, Harry Lee 38 and Chris Fyfe 38. Golf prize winners, Alisdair McLean 43, Bob Smith 40 and Denis McCormack 40. Brendan Gannon 40, Stephen Formby 39 and Logan Nayager 37. August medal winners Cat I, Alan Ewing 68, Nick Shaw 69, and Mick Reeves 70.

Results of the day, the NTP’s. Denis McCormack, Kevin Fitzpatrick, Terry Fitzgerald, Stuart Bulling, Bob Smith and Clive Jenkins.  Cat. III Steve Formby 38, Kevin Fitzpatrick 35 and Giovanni Butto34.. Cat II Chris Daw 36, Mike Banfield 35 and Ian Sadler 35. Cat I,  Camillus Fitzpatrick 37, Colin Soones 36 and Bob Smith 33.

The gross was won by Clive Jenkins  31. Second overall  with 39 Logan Nayager and the winner and keeping it in the family Savi Nayager with 40 points. Well done to all the winners and congratulations to so many who remained behind to honour those who won a prize.

Again well done on the pace of play are really making good progress in relation to slow play with the round of golf taking only four hours to get everyone finished, well done everyone.

Just a few tips, do not wait until it is your turn to play to start your routine, putting on or taking off your glove, marking and cleaning your ball, selecting your club, measuring your distance for your shot etc. all of these can be done in advance and this will help the smooth flow of the game.

We have a waiting list in operation at the moment for membership at La Serena, however membership of The Celts is always available.

If you would like information on joining our club or entering a team in any of the federation events why not send an e-mail to or call 615466398