We celebrated our championship match last Saturday at La Serena with a fantastic 91 players competing on the day. It was a tad chilly when we started, 2 degrees to be exact, but within an hour we were enjoying the warm sunshine.

Thanks are due to Camillus Fitzpatrick, Philip Mountford and Terry Fitzgerald for organizing the competition and to Denis for lending a hand while Camillus attended a wedding. To the staff in the pro-shop, Jose, Jean, Paul, thank you for your attention to detail and for preparing the cards and collating the results.

Gloria, Jennifer, Marijose and all the kitchen staff, well done as always. Miguel and his team it has become customary to have the course presented to such a high standard. The greens are the talk of the town, excellent. To Logan Nayager our captain who presented over 50 different prizes without a hitch well done and thank you for the kind words.

Down to the results, golf prize winners’ week 1,

Cat. I,Richard Nicoll 39, Alan Proudfoot 37 and John Aitchison 36. Cat. II, Bev Buckley 39, Paul Thomson 38 and Yvette McGeehan 38. Week 2. Cat I. Mike Stott 38, Tony Burns 38 and Gordon Montgomery 38.

Cat II. Lynne McCormack 40, Ian Sadler 37 and Terry Welsh 36. Week 3.

Cat I. John O’ Brien 39, Denis McCoprmack 38 and Alan Campbell 37.

Cat II. Janet Bryan 37, Dave Cossan 35 and Theo Beoulhouwer 35. Crystal winners week I.

Cat I. Clive Jenkins 38, John O’Brien 34 and Steve Hopkins 34.

Cat II. Brendan Gannon 41, Bev Buckley 39 and Debbie Beoulhouwer 39. Medal winners, December I.

Cat I. Mark Palmer 71. Cat II. Kenny McGeehan 70 and Cat III: Gordon Anders 64. Medal January. Cat I. John O’Brien 68. Cat II: David Cossan 72. Cat III. Michael Doyle 67.

Championship results, Nearest the pins. First of all we have to congratulate Andy Currie for his hole in one and nearest the pin on hole 3.Alan Proudfoot (2) Bob Smith (2) and John O’Brien. Cat III. Carmel McShea 36, John Adlam 36 and Michael Elliot 35. Cat II. Tony Burns 37, John Aitchison 35 and Dave Marriott 35.

Cat I. Clive Jenkins 38, Gareth Conroy 36 and John O’Brien 35. The gross was won by Bob Smith with 36 points, great shooting indeed.  Runner-up Ian Howie 39. And the winner with a fantastic 42 Chris Daw.

A special thank you to Andy Currie for his hole in one and for your invitation to a drink for all those present at the presentation of prizes, thank you.