Yet another year has passed and last Saturday we celebrated our Presidents- Day at our home course of La Serena.  The conditions were ideal for golf, with a gentle breeze taking the edge of the higher than normal temperatures.

I would like to thank again the hard- working green-keeping staff under the guidance of Wayne the head green keeper, for the fine condition of the course.  There has been a significant investment on course maintenance and the results are there for all to see.  Thanks is due to the clubhouse staff of, Jean, Paul and Jose who looked after all our needs and Ginis and Gloria in the bar, we were set for a great day of golf. 

It was a bright and early start and Camillus and Philip have to be congratulated for their organisational skills and juggling of all the request from a field of 88 players. Denis and Terry, also helped out the team on the day getting the players to the tee at the appropriate times.

With the days golf finished we adjourned to El Prado restaurant in San Miguel de Salinas for the presentation of prizes and our traditional Presidents’ dinner.  I would like to thank all those who attended the evening and lent their support to our Club and the junta directiva.  We had over 90 people seated and all were delighted with the service and the fayre on offer.  Music and entertainment was provided by Steve Clarke who battled through the evening with a wisdom tooth giving him grief.

Down to the results on the day; NTP’s were won by Kevin McBride, Colin Soones, Kevin Fitzpatrick, Peter Dunne, Tony Woodward and Steve Hopkins.  Our visitors’ prize went to Andrew Trefry 72.  Nearest the 11th line Pat Coyne.  Category IV John Coholan 72, Michael Hooke 73 and Kevin McBride 73.   Category III, Savi Nayager 73, Kevin Fitzpatrick 74 and Logan Nayager 74. Category II, Patrick Coyne 71, Harry Lee 71 and Geoff Ellender 75.  Category I, Colin Soones 71, John O’Brien 75 and Terry Fitzgerald 76.  Gross on the day Camillus Fitzpatrick 80.

Second over-all went to Sheila Coyne on 70 and the winner of the Presidents’ Prize Denis McCormack also on 70. Congratulations to all the winners and to those who participated on the day.  On a personal level I would like to thank all those who attended the dinner and helped contribute to a fantastic evening.  While golf is what brings us together, it is the social aspect of our club that sets The Celts apart.

We always welcome new members and guests and if you would like to play in one of our Open Days why not give me a call?  For further details on membership contact 615466398 or e-mail

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