We celebrated our championship match last Sunday at La Serena with 70 brave souls, some would say braving the tortuous humidity.

As usual we must thank the organsiers of the day Camillus, Terry, and Philip. Jose in the pro-shop muchos gracais. Vanessa and all the crew in the restaurant looking after our hungry and thirsty members and guests.

Miguel the head green keeper and the course and maintenance staff gracias, every day the improvements can be clearly witnessed. To Logan Nayager our captain thank you and I hope your moving home is nearing completion, you now have a panoramic view of the course.

Down to the results, golf prize winners’ week 1, Golf Prizes Cat 1. Tony Burns 43, Gordon Montgomery 38 and Shaun Locke 38.

Cat 2. Pat McLaughlin 41, Willie Mackie 35 and Donald Love 34. Crystal. Cat 1. Colin Soones 41, Eddie Wall 39 and Nick Shaw 39. Cat 2. Theo Boelhouwer 40, Martin Power 39 and Beverley Buckley 37.

Medal June. Cat1. Kenny McGeehan 67. Cat 2. Alan Walker 68 and Cat3. Rose Walker 65. Golf Prizes. Cat 1., Alan Walker 42, Denis McCormack 37 and Pauvla Serakova 36.

Cat 2. Beverley Buckley 39, Chris Fyfe 35 and Felix Mallon 34.

Cat 1. David Marriott 40, Jane Wills 40 and Terry Fitzgerald 39.

Cat 2. Pat McLaughlin 42, Aki Stott 42 and Michael Doyle 40. Medal July.

Cat1 Terry Fitzgerald 72. Cat 2. Chris Daw 66 and Cat 3. Fred Beel 67. Crystal Cat 1.Tony Burns 34 and Tommy Warren 33.

Cat 2 Felix Mallon 37 and Brendan Gannon 36.

The results of the Championship Day were as follows. NTPs Tony Burns, Gordon Montgomery, Mike stott, Terry Lambert, Stuart Bulling and John O’Brien. Cat 3. Savi Nayager 39, Michael Doyle 38 and Michael Parry 37. Cat 2. Peter Dunne 39, Keith Groom 37 and Pat McLaughlin.

Cat 1. Charles Alan Campbell 37, Terence Fitzgerald 36 and Pauvla Serakova 34. The gross was won by Mike Stott 30. The runner-up was Fred Beel 39 and the winner on the day Colin Fleming with 39.

We had to apply a 2 point penalty for slow play to a group who had lost more than two holes. Also we had a disqualification regarding an error with the app.

Please make sure that you return the correct score as you may incur a penalty.

John O’Brien