The Celts Captain's Prize Logan Nayager.
The Celts Captain's Prize Logan Nayager.

Where do we start with the superlatives for a truly memorable day?  We celebrated our captains’ day, Mr Logan Nayager with a fantastic day of golf at La Serena.  The weather was ideal ideal for golf with 25 degrees and a gentle breeze keeping us cool. The golf course again is in excellent condition and we must thank Miguel and his team for their efforts.

The new greens are really coming into their own and the challenging pin positions (Paul) made scoring a real test.  To the staff in the pro-shop, Karolina, Bruno and Paul thank you for all your assistance. Our competition committee are doing sterling work with a special thank you to Camillus, Philip and Terry who as always catered for all the members, that is 92 on the day with a shot gun start.

The golf directo app is proving to be an excellent administrative tool and results are generated literally 5 minutes after the last score is returned via the app.

We had our presentation dinner in Meson El Prado in San Miguel.  To Juan, Lola and Pilli y los camereros, muchisimo gracias. The food was excellent as always and the service provided by the team is difficult to match.  We were entertained by the velvet tones of Simon along with with our very own Jackie.

They performed some of our favourite songs and soon had people dancing the night away.  We had 88 appreciative members and guests who attended the dinner. A number of Logan’s family flew in especially from the UK and I would like to thank them and all in attendance for showing their support to Logan.

The results on the day were as follows, NTP’sTerry Fitzgerald, Richard Beel 2, Dave Cosson, Billy Thomson and John O’ Brien.  Nearest the Captains’ drive, Dave Cosson. Cat IV 1st Sheila Coyne 69, 2nd Mick Reeves 74 and 3rd Mary Kehoe 79. Cat III. 1st Terry Jones 72. 2nd Terry Lewis 72. 3rd Thomas Warren 73.  Cat II. 1st Gordon Montgomery 74. 2nd Richard Beel 74. 3rd Alan Walker 75. Cat I Colin Soones 74. 2nd Terry Fitzgerald 74. 3rd Clive Jenkins 79.

Just to remind players that tied scores in the nett competiton are ordered by lowest exact handicap. Likewise for the gross ties are ordered by the highest exact handicap.  Best gross went to John Doyle O’Brien with an 82.  2nd overall to Catherine Bennett 68.

The overall winner with another 68 but playing from a lower handicap Dave Cosson.

Congratulations to all the winners and a special thank you to all those who attended the dinner in support of our Captain Logan.