The Wolfpack’s November Society Day brought with it the annual St. Andrews Trophy round. As we say in Scotland “ we huvnae seen such a pure dead brilliant turnout for a long time”.

A full complement, mostly Sassenachs it must be said, turned out to play for the St. Andrews Trophy. At the allotted time the first tee box was overflowing more than a whisky glass in a Glasgow pub late on a Saturday night. The wind provided a chill, but the weather was still better than our Scottish contingent were enjoying back home.

Alas no Bill Humes, our normal patron, this year as he was sitting in Alicante airport contemplating said climate.

By the halfway stage the wind had abated and the temperature was positively balmy – one scaly remarked it was reminiscent of Edinburgh in January. The Captain (still relegated to light duties)  manned the halfway house.

The wonderful lady who normally performs this duty was not able to be with us this year and the Captain looked neither radiant nor attractive. The alcohol, as always, was well received which increased his popularity. Judging by the scores after 9 holes, some rounds were going OK – but, of course, we all know the dangers of making that prediction too early. A close run thing was on the cards as in each fourball there was at least one person in with a chance of winning.

Back to The Royal Oak afterwards for the odd Tartan Ale and a “traditional” meal of neeps and tatties, especially laid on for the occasion. What a treat !

Mick “The Grip” Reeves was the guest of honour as we used the day to collect for the RBL Poppy Appeal and we handed over the Society’s donation plus a number of bags of money to put towards this good cause.

Meanwhile on the golf front the scores were in and the prophesied close finish materialised. In third place was Ron Colclough with 31 points, second on a countback with 33 was Denis Warren and the winner of the St. Andrews Trophy, also with 33 points, was Bob Eno.

Denis also won the front nine with 18 points (on a countback) and Peter Palmer won the back nine also with 18. Nearest the pin on the 6th was Ron Colclough and on the 17th it was our guest Abe Numeijer. Mick had donated some bottles of bubbly so we gave some special prizes – one to Denis for losing overall on a countback, one to Robin Rostron for losing the front nine on a countback and one to Bob Eno for the hole in one he sneaked at Campoamor last Sunday. All in all, a great turnout, a close game of golf and a few beers after – does it get any better than this?  


Bob Eno and the prize winners on the day.

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