Short trip to Vistabella for our October home game on a well manicured course. Greens in very good condition. Weather well what can on say!! Sun again. The sesults of the day were

Gold Category winner our Handicap Secretary  Rodney Smith, coming in with 36 points. In second place was Seamus Martin with 35 points and Arfer Williams in Third place with 33 points.

In the Silver Category Ken Hopkins came in with 36 points followed by new member Andy Stenning with 33 points and Rocket Ron in third place with 30 points

Nearest the Pins were P Daggatt Hole 4   A Stenning  hole 7  P Mutter Hole 16

Longest Drive was taken by Rodney Smith and gest guest wasC Johnson

Next game on the 24th is for the Ivy Davies Perpetual Trophy. Ivy was one of the Founder  members of the Rockets Golf Society and is sadly missed by everyone .

Back to bar Patricia in Torreta 3 for Munchies and Presentation. If anyone would like to join our Friendly Society or just want a knock whilst on holiday give Ron a ring on 678 849 142 or email

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