A Very good turn out on a chilly morning and some good scoring. Course in excellent condition with very good greens. We have one more game to play here this year then a new course awaits us. Cannot wait to play it. Roll on 2018

Gold Category winner Ron Swift with 35 points, Second Place went to Arfur Williams with 33 points followed in third place by Mike Davies with 27 points.

Silver Category winner was Andy Stenning with 33 points Second spot went to Andy Billing with 32 points and third went to Paul Mutter with 30 points.

Nearest the Pins Hole  3 C Coughlan, Hole 8 Arfer, Hole  15 Rod Smith

Longest Drive Paul Mutter                      

Best Guest J Hayward 31 points

Next game is our last away day of the year at Altorreal one of our favourite courses, first Tee is 10.00 so be there by 09.15am. After our game we went back to Bar Patricia for a lovely Cottage Pie very tasty.

Anyone who would like to join our society or just play when on holiday give Ron a ring on 678 849 142 or email sanmigron@gmail.com

The post Rockets G S November Home Game appeared first on The Leader Newspaper.