Today July 19th Montgo G.S played a Bogey competition. Our sponsor was Alan Webster.

The ladies did not get all their own way today as our winner was Robin Thatcher @ 1 up.

2nd place went to Julia Hall loosing to Robin on count back and 3rd place was Sally Cottrell at level par.

We had 3 nearest the pins, on the 3rd this was won by Julia, third shot on the 14th was won by Sally, no one managed to stay on the 18th green with their second shot so this prize went to a card draw which was won by George Braddick. There were no two´s recorded today.

There was a Single Knockout match played and Tom Atkinson beat John Hall 3 & 2.

Next Week we have a Medal Competition sponsored by Susie & John Snelling.

The post ROBIN IS MONTGO’S BOGEY MAN appeared first on The Leader Newspaper.