We had 29 players today for our annual Turkey Trot Competition, played on a very cold day. It was also the Christmas Fancy Dress Competition. Only one guest today, Andrew Brown so no guest prize.

The results for the competition were as follows:

Ist with 36 points playing off 23.8 was Patrick Lynch, elegantly and stylishly dressed in his Christmas jumper complete with motifs of reindeer and snowflakes.

2nd was Ian Robertson with 34 points playing off 13.6

3rd was Brendan Young with 33 points playing off 17

4th was Shaun O’Gorman with 33 points playing off 5.2, very annoyed with himself for throwing away a great front nine.

5th was Donal Murphy with 32 points playing off 17.2.

Nearest the pin on hole 5 was Bill Pike, 1.25 metres and on hole 16 Brendan Young with 4.6 metres.

There were no twos today so we have a rollover for the New Year. Balls in The Water competition was won by Peter Brown who guessed 78, being the nearest number on 10s to the actual score of only 48.

Obviously elegance and style meant little to the judges of the Fancy Dress Competition as Patrick Lynch’s jumper was passed over in favour of Ian Campbell’s winning Father Christmas outfit.

We also had a draw for boxes of chocolates, the winners being Alan Simpson who drew his own card and Colin Foster.

Our next competition is on January 9th 2018 and is the Captain’s Drive-In, assuming our new Captain, Dave Phillips is back in time from his 46 day cruise. Happy Christmas to all our members and families.

The post Pego Golf Society Match Tuesday December 12th 2017 appeared first on The Leader Newspaper.