For the first time in a quite a while we held our monthly outing at Lo Romero Golf and this proved very popular with the members.  The course was in excellent condition and the rain had the decency to allow us a ‘dry’ round, however we did leave a substantial numbers of balls in the water at the 18th.  On our return to the pub we were served up a delicious meal which was very much appreciated by us all, thank you Hazel, Rory and all the staff at Paddy’s Point.

NTP – Geoffrey Purcell, Arthur Lambe, Sean McCarthy & Ted Duffy. Longest Drive – Neil O’Dowd & Myra Coull. Best Guest – John Stapleton 38pts. 2’s pot winners – John Batterby, Eldon Carey & Geoffrey Purcell. 3rd place Eldon Carey 34ptsc/b, 2nd John Batterby 35pts Winner of the Caledonia Trophy – Maxie McBrien 36pts.

Next Outing is to El aValleon 12th December.

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