A good day out at Alicante for 28 Orba Warblers and our newest member Mark Doyle. Yellow Tees placements were generous this week but greens very slow and fuzzy. Buggies were allowed on the course giving us all a bit of shade and a pleasant respite from the hot, humid air. We had two guests – Alan Turpin and David Reynolds.

Two divisions this week with the winners as follows : Division 1 : 1st. place to Steve Cliffe ( Hcap. 12.8 ) with 38pts., now playing off 12.2. In 2nd. steady John Daniels ( 17.3 ) with 35pts. And in 3rd., three players had 33pts. – Malcolm Monti ( Hcap. 13.2 ), Mike Morley ( Hcap. 9.8 ) and Glynn Braidley ( Hcap. 8.4 ) but on c/b, Malcolm lifted the prize.

In Division 2 : in 1st.place, Sheila Dindar ( Hcap.25.9 ) back on the podium with 38pts., now playing off 25.4. In 2nd. was Roger Vicar (Hcap. 21 ) with 36pts. with David Brown ( Hcap. 21.8 ) coming in 3rd. with 35pts.

There was 2 NTP’s – on Hole 3 Alan Turpin and Hole 17 Fred Cooley.

The Football Card went to David Reynolds with Burnley.

Next week September 20 will be a Stableford Competition at Oliva Nova. First Tee 10:40am so please arrive by 9:55am for registration. Guests are welcome subject to space availability and Current Handicap certificate. To book, please contact Mike Taylor on mjt@stylepms.com or phone 639242896.

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