Wednesday 12th September, La Sella
The Charity Cup is two events really, we play golf to win the trophy and then we have the charity raffle and auction to raise money. This year we contrived a way to allow even more members to get involved by allowing people to buy raffle tickets on line and also put in bids for the two silent auction items over the net.
This all resulted in a fantastic outcome and the total raised for our chosen charity, “Jalon Valley Help” was €2,235.00 which I think you will agree is a great achievement, many thanks to David, our administration secretary and to Michael, the fixtures secretary, for their contributions to this event.
We were fortunate to be able to play the old course at La Sella which had been undergoing some necessary repairs and maintenance in the preceding weeks but was still presented well, the greens may have been a little slow but true.
In first place and therefore our cup winner was John Daniels, it is nice to see JD returning to some sort of form over the last few weeks winning his first major trophy with the society, his winning score of 38 points earned him a moderate cut. Second place went to Chris Williamson with 37 points and in third with 36 points was David Knight, seen standing on tip toe in the photo. In fourth was Michael Morley with 35 beating Malcolm Monti and Arthur Sullivan into fifth and sixth respectivel on count-back.
Nearest the pin prizes went to Micky Badain on the 5th, although Chris thinks it was a draw, Shaun O’Gorman on the 8th, Kevin Dugdale on the 13th and Steve Cliffe on the 15th and there were Warbler balls for David Knight and Steve Cliffe.

Our next game is on Wednesday the 26th September at El Plantio, the first tee will be at 10.00 so you need to be there promptly at 09.15 to book in. Guests are always welcome with a current handicap certificate. For more information or to book in contact Michael Taylor on 639242896 or “E” the mail Fixtures Secretary and the Vice Captain.
The post Orba Warblers Golf Society Charity Cup appeared first on The Leader Newspaper.