A smaller number of Orba Warblers turned out for this week’s StableFord at La Sella. Gusty winds made play a little challenging for some but as usual, we all had a good day out.

There was only one Division this week : In 1st. place was John Daniels (Hcap. 18.2 ) with 33pts. Coming in 2nd. was Barbara Pollitt ( Hcap. 23.4 ) with 32pts. Also with 32pts. and in 3rd. place on c/b was Ron Steele ( Hcap. 19.1 ).

NTP’s went to John Daniels on Hole 4 – out and Steve Smith on Hole 9 – back.

Two 2’s were recorded : Hole 6 – Steve Smith and Hole 10 – John Daniels.

The Football card went to Peter Gibson with Bristol.

Next week July 12 will be at Alicante. First Tee time 9:20am so please arrive by 8:35am for registration. Guests are welcome subject to space availability and Current Handicap certificate. To book, please contact Mike Taylor on mjt@stylespms.com or phone 639242896.

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