The latest charity day in what is now an annual event was held at Vistabella Golf on Thursday 23rd June 2022. We had 96 players turn out on a very warm day to play the Texas Scramble.
The course and facilities were in excellent condition and thanks and congratulations go to Joaquin Rocamora for this.

Our thanks also go to Mick the Grip for his welcome assistance before and throughout the day.
Bob Smith was heavily involved also and did most of the card checking at the end, so thanks to him.
The food and refreshments were handed out by Kathleen Rodgers and Chris Cavendish on the 15th Challenge Hole, where some 470 euros was raised, by the two ladies, so a great big thank you goes out to them.
I would also like to thank Linea Direct for providing the Trophies and making the welcome donation to boost the amount raised.
All in all a very well supported day was enjoyed by everyone and a great sum of 2250 euros was raised to share between the Two Charities.
The prizes were presented by Ian (Bish) Bishop from the On Course Foundation and the winners were:
Nearest the Pin on Holes 2 and 15 – Rita East
Nearest the Pin on Hole 7 – Mark Palmer
Nearest the Pin on Hole 11 – Terry Lambert
The Competition was played in 2 Categories WHS and Non WHS:
WHS Category:
Winners – Celts Team 3 with a magnificent Net 54.5
Runners Up – Clarke´s Bar Team 8 with Net 60.0

Non WHS Category:
Winners Danny´s Bar Team 3 with a great score of Net 58.7
Runners Up – McAfferty´s with a Net 59.2
I would like to thank everyone who supported these 2 great causes and look forward to September when we do it all again.
With great Appreciation
Charlie Rodgers