Montgo GS Robbie Burns Medal
Montgo GS Robbie Burns Medal

Friday saw our largest field to date playing in the Robbie Burns Toast Medal competition sponsored by Andrew Brown.

Unfortunately, Andrew was out with a cold so couldn’t compete but 29 players including our guest Sabine Popiol took part. After a very cold and frosty start the sun came out and there were some very good scores.

With a score of nett 69, Dirk Knappe was the winner followed by Nigel Siddall and Francien Knoops both with nett 71.  Francien and Gerian van Ooijen won nearest the pins and Francien and Arthur Burrowes both had two’s. Luckily for the winners, because of a shortened course due to green staff workings, no handicaps were reduced.

Next weeks stableford will be kindly sponsored by Susanne and Franz Budnik.

Main image: Dirk Knappe, Gerain van Ooijen and Francien Knoops.