On Friday 7th of September ten determined Montgo players set out to defy the odds and get in a game of golf. In spite of extreme maintenance activities and a dreadful weather forecast these mighty ten gathered, clubs at the ready, to battle it out for the glorious prizes on offer by the society. A fine sight they were too as the day had been declared a ´Free dress Friday´. However none of the boys were brave enough to wear a dress, for which the ladies present were extremely grateful.
Keeping the day informal we played a blind pairs stableford with generous ´gimmes´ due to the rough terrain of the greens. We thought we were defeated by the weather as the heavens opened as soon as the first group T´eed off. Glumly a retreat was sounded and the ten headed for the club house for a fortifying shot of caffeine. Turns out this was only round 1. Soon the rain ceased and our intrepid few set off for the fairways and the game commenced.
Round 2 was just a few minor showers in the early half of the game. Although threatening to turn into something more, we persevered, determined to finish. On reaching the halfway mark Round 3 was thunder rolling across the sky but we laughed it off. For Round 4 the fates brought out the big guns as lightning strikes lit up in the distance. Relying on Oliva´s management to stop us if it got too close we made a dash for the final few holes.
Success! We finished our game, almost dry, and very happy. And despite all the trials and tribulations there were some pretty good scores with all but two in the thirties. First place honours went to Jim Hayward and Dave Fotheringham with a joint score of 70 points. In a close 2nd place Glenys Cuming and Neil Carter had 69 points, while Richard Fox and Peter Gardiner had 64 points. Both NTP prizes went to Richard Fox, he also managed a proper two with no gimme for a coveted ball. The remaining four players received a packet of crisps each just for turning up.
Next weeks competition is a stableford sponsored by Derek Hall.
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