On the last Friday of November Montgo GS played its Champions Cup, medal competition sponsored, as always, by last year´s Captain, John Feek. 

This competition is for the previous years winners to decide who is Champion of Champions, and so is quite a prestigious feather for ones cap.  We had excellent weather with not a breath of wind, and a course that is almost back to its former glory.  The greens are a little hard and so were running quite quickly which is always good for a challenge.

Bringing home the big feather this year, in spite of a few recent cuts to his handicap, was Gordon Gleeson who scored net 73 points.  Being pipped into second place with net 74 was last year´s cup holder Denise Cooper.  While third place went to Liz Butler who continued her current excellent form with a net 76.

Alongside this competition we played a better ball pairs sponsored by the society for all those who did not qualify for the main competition.  The winners of that competition were John Day and Tom Atkinson, in second place were Francine Knoops and Dave Fotheringham, while 3rd spot went to Arthur Burrows and Brian Stringer.

There were 3 NTP prizes for both guys and gals on the 3rd, the 11th and the 16th.  On the 3rd Sally Cottrell was 2.06ms and Peter Moore was 1.77ms.  On the 11th the honours went to Stella Fox with 5.10m and Keith Cottrell with 3.11.  And finally on the 16th Susie Snelling hit 3.14ms and Steve Crossan, who had the nearest NTP of the day, with just 1.22ms.  Two two´s were awarded to Peter Moore and Steve Crossan.

Next week´s competition is a stableford sponsored by Robin Thatcher.

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