Montgo Golf Society played a Stableford Competition today Sponsored by Caz Welch
Top of the shop today was our elder statesman John Day with 39 points. Well done John! Our Handicap Secretary Sue Burman taking 2nd place with a fine 37 points and in 3rd place was Peter Gardiner with 34 points. Nearest of Pin prizes went to Gerian Van Ooijen & Stella Fox on the 3rd & 16th respectively.

We had 3 two’s today with Gerian Van Ooijen, Nigel Siddall & Stella Fox taking home converted Montgo Golf Balls.

Keith Cottrell gave a special prize to celebrate his birthday to the player who came in 6th place and that was Nigel Siddall.

4 singles knockout matches were played this week, with the following results. Sally Cottrell beat Geoff Willcock 2up. Keith Cottrell beat John Day 3 & 1. Simon Fox beat Mick Farmer 3 & 1.

The Charity Hole only produced 1 euro today although I am reliable informed that the Treasurer owes a euro.

Next week’s competition is a 2 Man Texas Scramble Sponsored by Peter Gardiner.