After last Friday’s torrential downpour, the Montgo Rose Bowl sponsored by Stella and Simon Fox was played on Friday 29th.

The competition was held in conjunction with a charity day to help to raise funds for Javea Cancer Care Nurses. They have provided essential care to several of our past members in the last year and a field of 25 turned out to support this very worthwhile cause.

A total of 275 euros was raised and with Montgo matching the sum, 550 euros will be presented later in the month. Thanks go to all the members who provided prizes for a card draw and who donated so generously.

Our winner this week with a score of nett 71 was Mick Farmer on countback from Hans Duner. The 1st ladies prize went to Francien Knoops with a nett 75. Next was Sylvia Adams with a nett 76.

Nearest the pins went to Francien, Sylvia and to keep it in the family, Will Evans. Both Stella and Simon Fox had two’s this week. Montgo had two guests this week, Richard Fox and Matt Bowls. Next week’s competition is the Montgo Quaich sponsored by Liz and Barry Butler.