After waiting several months to get back out on the golf course due to the Covid restrictions, on Friday 17 members of the society played in a stableford competition sponsored by Nigel Siddall. We also welcomed Chris Witton as a guest.

There were plenty of smiles, unfortunately not all lasted very long. Having not played for weeks and the rough been very tough some of the scores were not up to the expected level but everyone was more than happy to be out in the fresh air again with friends.

The ladies did very well with Caz Welch winning with 35 points and second on countback with 34 was Gerian van Ooijen from Ilona Mathieu. A great score from Gerian who only receives 9 shots.

Nearest the pins went to George Braddick, Geoff Willcock and Caz Welch. Ilona had 2 two’s.

Next week’s competition is a two man Texas scramble sponsored by Andrew Brown. We hope that it won’t be too long before we are joined again by our other members and their guests on their return to Spain.