Friday 10th September saw Montgo GS’s largest field of the summer. With some of our members returning from other countries, 16 players took part in a Team March, actually a waltz with 3,2,1 scores counting on each hole around the course.

For those who dance regularly you will see this is a reverse waltz but the game kindly sponsored by our guest, Jason Webb was enjoyed by all.

Montgo also welcomed back Susanne and Hans Duner, Sally and Arthur Burrowes, Neil Carter and Alan Webster. The winning team with 85 points was Sally Burrowes, Peter Gardiner, Alan Lowans and Nigel Siddall.

Nearest the pin prizes were sponsored by Caz Welch and won by George Braddick, Geoff Willcock and Helmut Pertler.

Susanne Duner had our first two for weeks to win a coveted Montgo ball.

Next week’s competition is a stableford kindly sponsored by Arthur Burrowes.