‘Mike Probert talks Golf - The Great Tee Debate
‘Mike Probert talks Golf - The Great Tee Debate

Thirty three members and guests competed for the Society’s Anniversary Trophy (the Society is now in its 12th. year of existence) on a typical hot sunny Costa Blanca day, with only a gentle breeze to cool things down.

As usual the course was in generally good condition and the greens fast and true. Following the game we returned to the Lo Crispin Tavern, where we were supplied with Tapas and the prizes for the day were distributed.

Gold Division

1st. Place  (and winner of the Anniversary Trophy) – Dean Astley 28 pts. off 14 (on count back)

2nd. Place – Dave Norton 28pts. off 10, 3rd. Place – Mark Good – 27 pts. off 16

Silver Division

1st. Place – Barney Barningham 26 pts. off 21 (on count back)

2nd. Place – John Dunnion 26 pts. off 20, 3rd. Place – Janet Candlin 24 pts. off 34

N.T.P. on Par 3s

Hole 3 – Ray Hampton, Hole 5 – Nobody managed to reach or stay on the green, Hole 13 – Mike Johnson, Hole 16 – Rod Pullen

Guest Prize was won by one of our new members Alan Haslop, one of our new members playing for handicap with, 23 pts.

As there were no 2s, the ‘pot’ rolls over to the next game. which will be an inter society match against Quesada Golf Society on 5th. August at El Plantio. Finally, the Free Game Draw was won by John Hall (one of our guests).

Steve Harrington (Membership and Handicap Secretary).