Twenty nine members and guests participated in the Society’s first game of the year, which was an individual stableford competition at Alenda Golf. The weather was perfect for golf, with clear and sunny skies.The course as usual was in good condition, although some of the fairways were a little threadbare.

Many found the greens fast and challenging. Maybe it was the effect of a few weeks lay off or over indulgence over the festive period, which resulted in the relatively poor scores on the day. After the game we returned Lo Crispin Tavern, as usual where the prizes for the day were distributed and supplied with tapas. The winners were as follows:

Gold Division: 1st. Place – Ray Brown 29 pts. off 10

2nd. Place – Ron Perkins 27 pts. off 10 (on count back), 3rd. Place – Brian Coultate 27 pts. off 16 (on count back)

Silver Division: 1st. Place – Ray Pownall 27 pts. off 27

2nd. Place – Keith Rennison 26 pts. off 28, 3rd. Place – Janet Candlin 23 pts. off 32

N.T.P. on Par 3s: Hole 3 – Rod Pullen, Hole 8 – Padraig O’Brien, Hole 13 – Martin Barker Hole 16 – Mike Johnson. The 2’s pot was won by Rod Pullen and Padraig O’Brien. The Free Game Draw was won by Brian Coultate.

The next game, also an individual stableford is at Font Del Llop on 23rd January.

Steve Harrington. (Handicap and Membership Secretary)

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