Our week kicked off with the best 2 scores from 4 players to count on each hole with all to contribute on the par 5’s. With 91 points, I was pleasantly surprised to be part of the winning team alongside Geoff Biggerstaff, John Drakesmith and his wife Ellen (Gin & Coke) Drakesmith.

Wednesday’s windy conditions resulted in many low scores in our weekly Stableford. However, our latest recruit Trevor Pulleyblank, (yes really) managed his first victory with a laudable 35 points. In second spot was Alan Douglas with 34 and John Collins took the bronze with 33 points. Only one ‘2’ today which also went to Trevor (so he’ll be eating steak tonight)!

On Friday the second semi-final of our pairs match play took place with Bryan Neal and Liz Robertson making the line up in Monday’s final with a 2 & 1 win over Dave Pulling and Yvonne Phipps. An ‘interesting’ draw for our ‘Texas Scramble’ saw all our lowest handicappers grouped together, but they duly delivered with a gross score of 62!  (Nett 59.7). With a total of 10 birdies, 8 of which were consecutive, congratulations go to Terry Field, Lindsay Forbes, Alan Douglas and Ron Phipps. Mind you, it was on countback!

Por ultimo, quote of the week goes to Jack Benny, ‘Give me the golf clubs, fresh air and a beautiful partner, and you can keep the clubs and the fresh air’.

Pues, hasta la semana que viene 

Peter Reffell

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