As I strolled down Magnolia Drive to the clubhouse on Monday morning I began to wonder how many times Tiger Woods had played in a ‘Yellow Peril’; today’s competition format. Not many I reckoned! With 145 points our winners were Annemarie Weisheit, Benedicte Kruse, Terry Field and Nigel Price.

Certainly worthy of a mention was the team that scored 15 points on the 10th hole! This consisted of Bryan Neal, Paul Brown, Marleen Billen and our new boy, Brian Levy. Surely a new record? Unfortunately, the nearest some of our members came to emulating their heroes was to stick their ball in the water on the 9th!

It was a real family affair in Wednesday’s Club Championship Stableford (round four of six.) Not only did John and Ellen Drakesmith both card a ‘2’ (along with Ron Phipps and Benedicte Kruse) but Ellen won the day with 37 points just beating John on countback!  In third, with 36 points, was Pat Cassidy, again just winning on countback from Mike Chapman.

No Friday report you’ll be sad to learn as I’m away! Full service should be resumed next week. This week’s quote goes to Harvey Penick who observed ‘the woods are full of long drivers.’

Pues, hasta la semana que viene

Peter Reffell

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