For Montgo’s first game of 2022 there was a great turn out of 21 players including guests Jacco and Els Kooij and soon to be member, John Macritchie.
The stableford was sponsored by Gerian van Ooijen and Francien Knoops. With a score of 37 points and his first handicap cut of the year was George Braddick. Els Kooij was second with 36 points and third, Captain Sue Burman with 34. Gerian also with 34 passed her prize to Caz Welch on 31 points.
Nearest the pins went to George, Ruth Strasser, Helmut Pertler and John Day. Els and Peter Gardiner had two’s.
Next week’s competition will be Montgo’s first team accumulator of the year and with more members returning to the sun it should be another well supported game.