One of the highlights of our schedule, played on Thursday 14th December, the Christmas Texas Scramble, 60 players turned up before 8.00am to enjoy a glass of warm mulled wine and then set off to do battle.   

This was followed by a delicious Lunch at The Clubhouse, joined by members’ wives and Guests.  The Christmas spirit was much in evidence, lots of Xmas hats, tinsel and generally being silly, well sillier than normal!!!

Thanks to Felix Mallon’s wife, Brenda for making a gorgeous Xmas Chocolate Log which was auctioned off raising funds for the Captain’s Charity, Caritas, and the Captain thanked everyone for their generous donations to the Christmas Card Appeal, again, funds going to his Charity.

Congratulations to the winning team of P. Perito, D. Horne, J. Lynch and Bev Evans scoring 59.5.  2nd P. Cleaver, R. Richards, M. Reeve and C. Green on 59.8, 3rd A. Crammon, D. Blanchette, J. Hill and Mary Sanderson.

NTP’s: 5th S. Sayers, 11th M. Sanderson,  12th (in two) D. Horne,  15th R. Richards, 17th G. Lavender. Football Draw:  C. Horne 15, F. Reeve 19, P. Venables 20, B. Buckeridge 28, Crammon 33, M. Turner 45, S. Sayers 52, A. Cook 63, G. Ashworth 83.

Captain’s Cava Prizes: C. Horne, G. Lavender, B. Fairhurst, K. Brett.

Tuesday 5th December Not quite so cold this week, no delays, 72 players taking part in our weekly Toffs Stableford.  Well done all our prize winners, especially Keith Wright, our overall winner this week.

Results were as follows: Overall Winner:  K. Wright 42pts.

Cat. 1: 1st K. Wright 42pts, 2nd P. Manning 36pts, 3rd F. Mallon 35pts. 

Cat. 2:  1st D. Blanchette 40pts, 2nd G. Bourne 34pts (c/b) 3rd S. Low 34pts (c/b)

Cat. 3:  1st J. Holland 39pts, 2nd G. Evans 38pts, 3rd D. Bailey 37pts.

Cat. 4:  1st C. Stanley 40pts, 2nd S. Pegg 36pts, M.Sanderson 34pts.

 NTP’s:  5th C. Daye Gretton, 11th B. Buckeridge, 12th (in two) S. Sayers,

15th P. Manning,   17th P. Venables. CBA: 0

Best Front 9: G. Grierson 23pts. Best Back 9:  J. Fairhurst 19.

Football Draw: J. Kirkwood 1, A. Cook 32, F. Buckeridge 87, C. Stanley 56, F. Mallon 21.

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